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National key research and development plan special successful acceptance

Mar 11,2022

On March 10, the comprehensive performance evaluation meeting of the national key R&D plan "Smart Grid Technology and Equipment" key special project "Multi-Energy Complementary Integrated Optimization Distributed Energy System Demonstration Project" organized by the Industrial Development Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology was successfully completed. convened. The acceptance experts reviewed the project implementation and expenditure in the form of data review, achievement report, project display, and on-site defense, and the project finally passed the acceptance with excellent results.

"Multi-energy, complementary, integrated and optimized distributed energy system demonstration" is under the national key R&D program "Smart Grid Technology and Equipment Special Project". It was approved and approved in 2017. 15 units including the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences participated together. The project lasted for four years and mainly focused on five key technologies of distributed integrated energy collaborative planning, hierarchical regulation, independent power supply, co-simulation and energy efficiency evaluation. Comprehensive energy demonstration, providing solutions for the planning and construction of industrial parks and refined energy management.


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