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2023 Sunwoda Electrochemical Energy Storage Industry Development Forum Deepens New Energy Storage Industry Development Path

Jul 04,2023

On July 1st, the Electrochemical Energy Storage Industry Development Forum was held at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. Hosted by Sunwoda, the forum focused on the theme of the New Energy Storage Industry Development Path under the “Dual Carbon” Goal. The event brought together experts, scholars, and industry leaders from the energy storage field to explore the development trends of the industry. The number of on-site participants exceeded expectations and the event was packed.

At the beginning of the event, Yu Jing, Deputy Director and Level-2 Inspector of the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission delivered a speech. She highlighted that the International Digital Energy Expo 2023 is a concrete action taken by Shenzhen to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions and One Cooperation", promoting the establishment of a modern energy system, and serving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Yu Jing also emphasized that the Shenzhen Municipal Government has always attached great importance to the development of the energy storage industry, and has introduced a series of policy documents to promote the high-quality development of the industry. They are focusing on the "Four Centers" and fully implementing the "Nine Ones" work to accelerate the construction of a world-class new energy storage industry center with a trillion-yuan level.

Wang Mingwang, the founder of Sunwoda, delivered a speech at the conference and talked about the purpose of the forum. He said that the purpose of this forum is to share ideas, inspire each other, and deepen the understanding of the development path and understanding of the new energy storage industry. Wang Mingwang emphasized that Sunwoda has been continuously researching and applying electrochemical energy storage technology, actively promoting the construction of a new energy system with its own technological advantages and rich experience. Sunwoda is willing to work with industry colleagues to continue to promote the construction of China's new energy system and the high-quality development of the energy storage industry.

Chen Liquan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and researcher at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave a speech on Electrochemical Energy Storage Promotes the Dual-Carbon Economy. He mentioned that the overall development goal of large-scale energy storage technology is to develop long-time, medium-short-time, and high-power three-scale energy storage technologies based on practice. In terms of cost, he hopes to reduce the cost of electricity use to less than 0.2 yuan per kilowatt-hour. Chen Liquan pointed out that the national dual-carbon strategy is arduous and long-term, and under the guidance of the new energy storage policy, the energy storage industry will usher in an explosive period and the market will exceed 100GWh. He believes that developing energy technology is crucial to ensure energy security.

Lai Xiaokang, director of the Electric Power and New Materials Institute of the China Electric Power Research Institute, shared comprehensively from the perspectives of application hotspots and improvement of energy storage technology. He said that there are three major uses of the power grid: energy services, power services, and basic guarantee services. These three services are basic requirements of the power grid, and energy storage will be activated in these three service areas. Lai Xiaokang believes that for chemical energy storage represented by lithium-ion, long life is relatively easy to achieve, the cost problem will be gradually solved with the scale, and the most difficult problem to solve is safety.

Li Baohua, Vice Dean of the Institute of Materials Research at Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School and Secretary-General of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Shenzhen) Electrochemical Energy Storage Industry Alliance, brought the development path of the energy storage industry. He talked about the significance of the multi-level application of lithium-ion power batteries to the "dual carbon" field. Due to the high safety and long life of lithium-ion power batteries, carbon emissions have been greatly reduced, and the interconnection between electric vehicles and the power grid energy storage system is strengthened. This is expected to continue to promote innovation in the field of carbon neutrality.

Yang Ping, Director of the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Energy Technology and Professor at the School of Electrical Power of the South China University of Technology brought a speech on Energy Storage Solutions Supporting the Operation of New Power Systems. She stated that energy storage is indeed an indispensable part of the entire operation process of the new power system. Smart and efficient, green, and low-carbon solutions accelerate the diversified development of energy storage technology and help new power system construction. Yang Ping points out that at the current stage, new energy diagnostics and user-side energy storage have the ability to maintain sustained profitability.

Wang Zhiqiang, Chairman of China Southern Power Grid Peak and Frequency Modulation (Guangdong) Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd., shared a presentation on liquid cooling technology. He said that the immersed liquid cooling technology not only solves the safety hazards of the battery cell but also can completely solve the safety problem. It can also improve the heat dissipation efficiency of the battery, reduce the cost of the cooling system, and improve the overall performance of the energy storage system. With the continuous advancement of technology, liquid cooling technology will become a mainstream solution in the field of energy storage.

At the forum, China Southern Power Grid Peak and Frequency Modulation (Guangdong) Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd signed a strategic partnership agreement with Sunwoda to collaborate on comprehensive smart energy initiatives. The aim is to promote the integration of digital and energy, build advantages in energy technology industry development, and create zero-carbon cities and parks, as outlined in the strategic cooperation framework agreement.

By leveraging their respective strengths, Southern Power Grid and Sunwoda will work together to develop a comprehensive smart energy market and promote industrial synergy for the sustainable development of new energy industries.

During the forum, experts discussed the development path of the new energy storage industry under the "Dual Carbon" goal. They explored ways to promote the green energy industry, lead the comprehensive green transformation of the economy and society, and contribute to China's carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

During the International Digital Energy Expo 2023, Sunwoda showcased a range of energy storage products, EV flash charging and low-temperature batteries, zero-carbon two-wheel travel batteries, and digital transformation solutions.

As a global new energy company headquartered in Shenzhen, Sunwoda is committed to exploring new paths for the digitalization, intelligence, safety, and efficient development of the energy storage industry. The company will continue to seize global opportunities for the development of new energy industries, promote high-quality industrial development, and build a green, low-carbon, and beautiful future.

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